Newfoundland-based documentary wedding, elopement & lifestyle photographer.

authenticity. vulnerability. nostalgia. human. 


not a wedding for the photos.

How would you plan out your wedding if there was no photographer there? How would it look if social media didn’t exist?

Think about it, and then plan it exactly like that.

And I’m a sucker for intentional weddings.

Welcome to my world where art has no rules. It’s beautiful, it's messy, it's chaotic, it's raw, it's emotional, it's fun, it's perfectly-imperfect - all in the best way possible. Like life.

I didn’t used to view it this way. I thought every image had to be “perfect”. Because that’s what the industry tells you. But towards the end of my 3rd full-time wedding season, in the depths of planning my own wedding, suddenly everything shifted for me in how I view the wedding industry and photos in general.

Hi, I'm Lindsay. You can call me Linds if you want.